Tuesday 1 January 2008

Happy New Year!

Well, despite my usual misgivings, the last week has been a good one.
We got off to a rather shaky start when Mum was re-admitted to hospital on Christmas eve. Christmas eve and Christmas day was mostly spent hacking up and down the M1 to the hospital either waiting to see a doctor or waiting for results and then finally bringing her home late on Christmas evening. It turned out that she was dehydrated with very low blood pressure and things were not "moving" as they should (politely speaking). I think that she was let out far too early I guess because of the holiday. But we have learned a valuable lesson and I hope she will not have to go through this again. So eventually, we had Christmas on Boxing day and it was a lovely day too. Yogi, Larry, Fudge and Tilly (my brothers little Cocker Spaniel pup) enjoyed a more relaxed atmosphere and everyone was in good spirits. They all got loads of pressies, which mostly are still in one piece! And all behaved impeccably!
Yogi is backi in fine form so we thought we would see how he managed a long yomp again. He hasn't had a really long walk since he was ill so a brisk 7 miles around Pitsford resevoir did us all the world of good. He was as enthusiastic as he has always been and made sure that it was a route march and not a gentle stroll for anyone :o) Great fun to be back to normal with him.
We went to stay with Rich's parents who live near the Norfolk coast and spent this morning happily splashing in the waves with Larry and Yogi. Well, they were happily splashing and we were desperately trying to stay dry! Not entirely successful as Rich sort of fell in...."chilly" I think he mentioned :o)
Allyson came up trumps with a truly thoughtful Christmas pressie. It was a picture of Yogi at the vets that she had had framed looking relaxed, happy and heartstoppingly gorgeous. When I opened it I must say I welled up a little. Best present in the world.
Today I am feeling a little sorry for myself, I woke up with the most excrutiating toothache (I think I may even be suffering more than Graham did with "man flu" - but maybe not :o)) So I have loaded myself up with painkillers and am going to try and get an emergency appointment at the dentist in the morning. Deep joy :o)
Happy New Year everyone !


HandH said...

Sorry about the toothache, hope the dentist can fit you in! Good to hear Yogi is up to a 7-mile walk, and hope the New Year brings you all good things (including mended tooth :-))

Lesley Rigby said...

Happy New Year Fiona!
Despite all difficulties you seem to have had some very happy times which is good.
I hope your mother is picking up - this will have been a memorable Christmas in hospital and on the M1!
There is nothing better than walking along the edge of the sea with your wellies on in December! Oh the fun........Prince just loved it. Formby was our place.
Hope your tooth has been sorted and didn't mean root canal treatment. Lots of expense probably!!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you all....!

I hope the toothache has gone - of course there's no way it could compare to the misery of man-flu!

The pictures are great, and I'm glad that you've had a good Christmas. I hope your Mum's feeling better too.