Saturday 26 January 2008


The last couple of months have probably been the most difficult, painful and downright scary months that I have had since....well... a long long time. I get cross with myself for not dealing with it better, beating myself up for all sorts of things like reactions and generally feeling not really "on top of the world". BUT then something happens or someone says something and I realise that really I am lucky in so many ways. Even through the sh*tty times, there are good times too. This is what I am talking about.
Yogi is an absolute tower of strength. He NEVER lets anything get him down. His glands may be up like bowling balls but what does he want? Love and food and play. In a nutshell he wants happy times.
This morning he wanted to go running on the football pitch in the village, he wanted his pink ball to chase - it has to be pink, no other colour will do. Orange or yellow do NOT fit the bill. So pink it is. He runs, he chases and he has fun. So fantastic to watch. There is a dog who is "living in the moment" nothing will take away his happiness for that moment. I learn from that. His little face when he "catches" the ball, when he brings it back to be thrown again and also when he is tired but happy. He is not thinking "what if" or any of the other crap that goes through my mind, he is just purely happy. The only time he looks unhappy is when I feel it and even then he tries to change it.
My Mum said something to me today when I was losing the plot a bit over Yogi. I said that I felt "we were just waiting for the inevitable" she said "but we are all waiting for the inevitable, no matter when or how, sometime it will happen and you can't let that stop the good times now" So wise and so profound. I am going to try very hard to take her attitude on board.

She is doing brilliantly. She is home today and feeling well. Fudge should be home with her tomorrow. That little dog is missing her mum badly. Whenever I bring some washing back, she sticks her head in the machine to sniff for as long as I will let her :o)She wants her mum back too.


Aoj and The Lurchers said...

Your mum is absolutely right you know....take a leaf out of Ypgi's book and live for the now. Hard though isn't it? We love them so much and can't help but worry.

Of course I will send Reiki to Yogi. I don't practice any more but I do still do it for times like these so consider it done.

Aoj and The Lurchers said...


My typing is atrocious today

HandH said...

Pink, eh? Who says dogs can't tell the difference between most colours! Be gentle with yourself, there is so much going on in your life.