Tuesday 1 January 2008

Christmas Toys

The boys simply LOVED their "Honky Pheasants"!


Lesley Rigby said...

Fiona, You must be so proud of your boys - they look amazing! What a picture of health Yogi is. His coat is so glossy you wouldn't think he had been through chemotherapy, and it's great to see them looking so happy with "Toys"!

Linda Seid Frembes said...

I think I love squeaky toys a tad bit more than Waldo does. Your boys are looking great, especially Yogi. Happy New Year to you all!

HandH said...

We have a honky pheasant too! He doesn't honk any more, thanks to Holly, but the honk lasted for several weeks - usually the squeaker lasts a couple of hours if Madam gets her teeth into it. Honky pheasants are the best! (We had a duck in the same range, but he got debeaked, then de-necked... he's been repaired, but was never quite the same.)

Fiona said...

Hi Lesley, yes, SO proud of them. They are absolute stars!

Hi Linda, Good to hear from you. I also love the fact that they share my obsession for cuddly toys!

Hi Handh, yes, I was tempted with the duck too. Maybe for Easter. We are lucky, Yogi just sucks his toys and Larry just hits Yogi over the head with his so they last AGES :o)