Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Journey's end.

This is the most heartbreaking post I have ever had to write. Earlier today we had to say goodbye to Yogi. The glands in his neck swelled so much that they were preventing him from eating. One side of his face was completely hard and disfigured. This happened overnight. I can't describe the pain of making this final decision for him and then seeing it through. But I guess that you just know when the time is right to let him go.

John and Allyson were superb with him (and us) and were there to help him on his way. The last thing he did was kiss our tears away.

He fought it so hard. When I think about how he was when he was first diagnosed, we thought that he wouldn't last the week. But he did fantastically and his courage shone through even when ours was failing. Brave little dog.

Right now I feel as if my heart has been ripped from my body. Words seem so inadequate. All I can say is that I feel I have lost my best friend, companion and yes, my baby.

I know that there are a number of you who read this, that will be heartbroken too. But maybe without all the love, support and good wishes he wouldn't have gone on as long as he did. Thank you.

I believe that he will go on to somewhere better but also in some way still be with us in spirit.

Run free Little Bear, thank you for sharing your life with us.


Anonymous said...

I feel for you so much at the moment - it really is a feeling that can't be expressed in words, and of course there are no words that I can write that can help at all.

I'm so, so, sorry that you've all had to go through this. Yogi's free of any pain or illness now and will be starting his new adventure as Prince did all those months ago. He'll always be with you - you'll tune into the signs soon and know that you did the kindest thing when he needed you most.

Sending you lots of love and support,

G, P & T xxx

Linda Seid Frembes said...

I am so sorry. Thinking of you and your family.

Lesley Rigby said...

You wrote of a wonderful little character throughout his illness and I loved him so much from the picture that came across.
My heart goes out to you because losing Yogi is no less than losing a dearly loved human.
It is a very sad day and I am so very, very sorry.

HandH said...

I am so, so sorry - it's all so sudden, one weekend he was going on long walks, and then not being able to eat... I can only begin to imagine how that feels, and all I can say is my thoughts are with you - and Yogi always will be with you.

Balboa said...

Our deepest sympahties for your loss. You were his angel and he knew that. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Balboa and Mommy

Unknown said...

My deepest sympathy on your loss of dear Yogi.

Heaven has a new angel. He is now at the Rainbow Bridge smiling down on you and thanking you for all the love and care you gave him. He will wait there for you 'til it is your time to cross. I know how painful it is to lose such a love - do let yourself cry and know that he will always remain with you in your heart.

I am so very sad, Fiona, and send you all my love and prayers at this most difficult of times.


Aoj and The Lurchers said...

Fiona, I am so very very sorry. Yogi was a lovely character and, like them all, he didn't deserve this. He loved and was loved and though it hurts now, I hope that soon you will be able to remember Yogi with a smile on your face rahter than a breaking heart.


Alison said...

Oh Fiona...I am so sorry, my heart is breaking for you also. I completely and whole heartedly know exactly what you are going through right now...allow yourself to grieve, allow yourself to smile as you remember...

I am very sorry...

Big Hugs to you,